Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Singing from the heart - thanks Joey Moss!

For many of the most talented singers, it can be difficult to find that place of freedom where the heart communicates freely. We all get caught up in style, technique, correct pitch, rhythm and tuning. It is rare to come across a singer who can balance all of these technical aspects of the art while finding true freedom of expression. I was reminded of that for three reasons yesterday.
The first was a story of my seven year old daughter who was describing the difficulty of learning a new dance step. She said, quite eloquently, "my brain wasn't on my feet, my brain was in my feelings." Those words bring a tear to a father's eye, especially a father who is constantly striving for clarity of expression within the structure and confines of so-called classical music. A music that weds the brain and heart. I really do know what she means. I also know that this is the musicians', dancers' and artists' struggle.
The second instance took place in one of Spiritus Chamber Choir's final rehearsals leading up to what we hope will be a fantastic performance of Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610. The choir and I had been addressing  the difficulty of tuning, and adjusting to a more perfect and real tuning to bring out the colour of the major and minor thirds. Half-way through the rehearsal I realized that my comments were having a negative effect because there was so much listening and self-analysis going on by choir members that not only had the music stopped communicating, it had almost stopped entirely. My obsessions had destroyed the possibility for expression by focusing too much on the technical. This can be such a fine line.
Finally, before going to sleep I checked to see how the Joey Moss cup game went in Edmonton, as they prepare for an exciting season of ups and downs with a talented group of rookies. While there may be some interesting analogies between music and sport, what I saw was musical inspiration. It brought a huge smile to my face and tear to my eye as Joey Moss led the fans in a rousing and heartfelt rendition of the Canadian National Anthem. It is fun and inspiring to hear someone sing from the heart, especially when there are no filters or fears.
Thanks Joey Moss!

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